5  STAGES  O  VALEČOV      AUGUST 12th – 14th 2006


Event  information


Event centre:  amphitheatre near Valečov castle, Boseň u Mnichova Hradiště


Organiser:     Sportcentrum Jičín


Classes:          DH10N (orange stripes), DH10, DH12, DH14, DH16, DH18, DH20, DH21AB, DH35, DH40, DH45, DH50, DH55, DH60, DH65, H70


Programme:   Sat     12.8.   E1 short course                   start        10:00       interval 

                          Sat     12.8.   E2 short course                   start        16:00       interval     

                          Sun   13.8.   E3 short course                   start          9:00       interval 

                          Sun   13.8.   E4 short course                   start        15:00       interval 

                          Mon 14.8.   E5 shortened classic c.       start          9:00       handicap  

                          Mon 14.8.   Prize-giving ceremony        13:00  


Registration: amphitheatre   Saturday  8:00 - 10:00


Parking:         meadow next to the official parking

                          parking fee: car CZK 40 for all 3 days

                          place the parking voucher behind the windscreen


Distances:      parking - centre     200 m         

                          centre - start route marked with blue stripes

finish - centre route marked with green stripes, if not same as the centre – start route

                                               centre-start           finish-centre

                          E1                 1200 m                         0 m

                          E2                 2000 m                         0 m

                          E3                 2400 m                   2000 m

                          E4                 2600 m                   2000 m

                          E5                 1300 m                         0 m


Maps:    Not waterproof, plastic wrappers available 1 minute before start (A4 size, maps are bigger – necessary to fold them)

Some categories don´t have R squares on the map, in case of SI failure punch at the edge of the map.


          E1      H35-H70          Valečov-západ     1:5000          E 5m       August 2005

                     other classes  Valečov                 1:5000          E 5m       August 2005

          E2      H45-H70          Valečov-západ     1:5000          E 5m       August 2005                                                    DH10N   Valečov-jih           1:5000          E 5m  stav srpen 2005

                     other classes  Valečov                 1:5000          E 5m       August 2005

          E3                                Smrkovec              1:5000          E 5m       August 2006

          E4                                Smrkovec              1:5000          E 5m       August 2006

          E5                                Valečov                 1:5000          E 5m       August 2005


Control descriptions:   on paper sheets near the startlists in the centre


Start lists:                      in the centre


Competition process:   Start - map start route marked with orange stripes, starting point marked with a flag.

                                         Last control - finish route marked with red stripes.

                                         Punching – SportIdent system. Each competitor shall clear and check their SI card at the start area, punch the finish and have the SI card read in the finish area immediately. In case of SI failure use manual punching (into the map) and have it checked in the finish area. In case of missed point in SI card, the competitor will be disqualified.


Terrain:          rocky terrain with many sandstone formations


Notice:             Entering the areas with young and small trees is prohibited.

                          Wearing shoes with metal spikes is prohibited (except for high ankle shoes).

Smoking and firing in the forest is prohibited.

You compete on your own risk, first aid in the finnish.

                          Be careful when crossing the roads.


Accomodation:     camp in the orchard in the centre, parking by tent not possible

competitors will get camp vouchers with their name, those will be checked by organisers


Washing:        sinks with cold water in the centre – drinking water


Toilets:            mobile WC in the centre

                          emergency WC on the way to start


Refreshments:    kiosks – sausages, steaks, grilled chicken, hot-dogs, corn, hamburgers, beer, soft-drinks, coffee, tea, sweet pastry, rolls


Protests:         Written form with CZK 200 deposit to main referee.


Jury:                Jaroslav Křtěnský, Filip Stárek, Petr Uher


Course setters:   E1, E2          Drobník Michal, Drobník Lukáš

                               E3                Kazda Ondra

                               E4                Kazda Jirka

                               E5                Koťátko Zdenda


Jaroslav Havlík                                                                                                   Tomáš Kalenský

 event director                                                                                                         main referee                                                          

Vstup pro členy



Předporodní kurzy v Jičíně